Frequently asked questions.
Does Peadbo provide me with board members?
We’ve found that people drastically undervalue their network, so we suggest first starting there. Who do you know that has been where you’d like to go? Who inspires you to be the best version of yourself? Who don’t you want to disappoint?
Will my employer cover the cost of Peadbo?
While not always, it’s very likely that they will. Many Peadbo users get their membership fees covered by their employers. Fill out our support form and we're happy to help with the process.
Can I start with a pilot?
Absolutely! There are lots of flexible ways you can get started with Peadbo. We’ll work with your team to understand your goals and figure out the best way to roll our solution out across your organization.
Can I see a demo?
Definitely! We’d love to show you what Peadbo can do. Fill out our Partnership interest form and someone from our partnership team will be in touch to walk you through the platform and answer any questions you may have.
How much do board members get paid?
While many services pay mentors for their help, we’ve found that this often leads to inauthentic relationships and cookie-cutter advice. We believe that board members should be motivated by a genuine desire to help.
What if I’ve never had a mentor/personal advisory board?
Peadbo provides step-by-step guidance on the user journey – starting with help onboarding (determining a board focus, identifying strengths & opportunity areas), choosing board members, and throughout board management. Users will also have access to a community of fellow Peadbo members to share success stories and best practices with.
How will you protect my confidentiality?
We have technical, organizational, and physical safeguards designed to protect the personal information that we collect on the platform. You can read more about how we use and protect your data in our privacy policy.